naturally have an interview where the captain of the seventy-second brigade of the armed forces sergey alymov talks with horror about what is happening on the front line from their side, and about the terrible price of the notorious kiev contrast, which breaks down under a hail of our shells. elementary we were examined. we we give one minute. we are 60 of them. i can read them, you know, it was a shame to tears. here you go to bed. i don't know what you'll get. that is, we have a total superiority in artillery, fundamentally important things for the conduct of hostilities, and in defense especially, but it’s not enough to have more trunks than the enemy has, you need to see where to hit. and we see how they have these eagles, fucking fly, they correct the fire under it and, accordingly. it was so embarrassing. here, well, to tears, well, you can’t shoot, and where starting to shoot, the view of you begins to cover orlan in various modifications. this is supposedly a cherished scout dough, a fire spotter, he flies to enemy positions or transmits photo video data from there to an advancing col