sergey brin, the founders of google. they get the best engineers into a rolled and they think there is no problem they can't solve. that culture began with larry who always think they are the smartest people in the room and so when they first got into the same room, there was a bit of friction between sort oft there was also a spark between them. the intellectual competitiveness always sortteamwork of succeeded. the culture of intellectual competitiveness is still alive inside of google to this day. >> who saw their vision and funded them? some very smart venture capitalists and angel investors. actually, jeff bezos was one of the early angel investors in amazon. essentially, what they did was solved search for the first time. when google is formed as a company, these are also names you may or may not remember, there were dozens of search engines. altavista, no one thought there needed to be another search engine, but what people didn't realize is that the search engine at that time did not work very well. if you wanted