yulia pogorelova, sergey chapotaryov, pavel proshin, natalya sidorova and viktor grebnikov, channel onend lastly, that night those who liked to wander through museum labyrinths had no time to sleep. the annual cultural event night at the museum took place in russia. according to tradition, the start was given in pushkinsky, where. parks, art schools, one of the central new tretik streets, in its halls one could go on a musical journey, contemplate 20th-century painting accompanied by soviet-era hits, and then create one’s own masterpiece in the style of suprematism, the founder of which was malevich. save me, i don't have black. sveta, i am completely delighted with such events and my children and i always actively attend such events, you learn something new, not just by hearsay, but in fact you are here, you see it, we were one of the first in the country to celebrate a cultural night in yuzhnosakhalinsk, in local history museum, local groups performed, in the easternmost city of onadare one could get acquainted with the life of local indigenous peoples, in st. petersburg they rode in