the son of natasha koroleva and sergei glushko married a stripper. natasha, seryozha. the bride's name? melissa? oh my god, beautiful. which suddenly grew on him in just a couple of months, why didn't you invite him, it's a shame, although we couldn't, we were on the set, congratulations, mom, dad, on your wonderful day, god bless you for many years and may your example, they watched and saw how happy a family can be. philipp kirkurov is surprised to learn that his son, it turns out, had a hand in the wedding dress of the queen's daughter-in-law. young martin presented his debut fashion collection last year. the queen even then noticed. the amazing bows and asked for the same for melissa: martin's collection a bow from lati brides is a martin collection, what are you talking about, the bride's lati was sewn by star designer annika kerimova, an outfit worth half a million rubles were paid by the queen, the singer did not skimp on the wedding itself, according to the most modest estimates, the celebration cost her another 3 million. if natasha were not your friend, would