sonia ramos joins us now, she's with calsoap, and sergio diaz luna is with the east side union high school district in san jose. welcome to the show. sonia ramos: thank you for having us. damian: tell us first of all, sonia, about the calsoap. tell us what you all do with calsoap. sonia: so, calsoap is the california student opportunity and access program. we are a state funded program through the california student aid commission, which is our state agency which administers all state financial aid to our students here in california. and so, calsoap serves regions across the state focusing on increasing the college going rates and access to financial aid for low income and first gen students. and our san jose calsoap program works here in san jose specifically supporting students in east side union high school district. damian: and we'll get into the-- these changes first, but you gave me a startling statistic, sergio, before we went on the air. tell us about the drop in students applying for financial aid. sergio diaz luna: yeah, well, you know, sonia ramos shares-- shared data from the n