the first thing he did was elevated sergio moreau from his role as a local judge, a federal judge at the first level and made him by minister of justice and public security y the second most powerful position in brazil and that was when we reporting. there was kind of a unity of fans. moro ended up leaving the government about year and a few months after he became, he joined it and went out shooting. meaning that he himself was completely corrupt and he had tried to uscriminally interfere in various police investigations and that his children were all adults and elected officials who were charged with corruption so he split with the bolsonaro movement, went to the us for a while and came back to brazil announced his run for president . he's now out of prison running for president. thepresidential candidate was kind of a flop . he pulled out before it even began and he's now announced that he's going to run for senate. as kind of a critic of both but now is a candidate being corrupt. >> let's go back to da silva in your view and i know you have a connection and will get to that. was h