just hit this five-story building, they coincided so much that my colleague serhii horbatenko, a journalist of the donbass, was kind. with bakhmut and he shared his memories and an exclusive video. serhiy himself shot it in the city, which is now completely destroyed, because before that bakhmut was one of the most beautiful and oldest cities of donbas, its business cards are not mines and factories, but champagne and salt. in 1950 , the artemiv factory of champagne wines already existed. fighters use bottles lying idle. when bahmud was already under fire, i went there, made stories with of these arrivals, showed the deaths of people, and my mother kept saying: take the canning, because i was making it, it will disappear somehow, and in the end it so happened that the only thing i took from this apartment was my father's fishing rods and a bag of bakhmutska with... salt, well, about five kilograms, and i like to cook borscht, soups, various dishes, i know that bakhmut salt is the best, for this it was created simply by god himself, in order to cook delicious food, and currently here in kram