attention to the fact that after the publication of the news about the destruction of the base, serhiy sereda deleted from his telegram channel a post with photos of mercenaries, according to some media at the base at the time of the attack, businessman yevgeny prigozhin, who is believed to be a sponsor and one of the creators of the pvc , could have been close to vladimir putin watchman, however , there is no official confirmation of this information , currently it is not known for sure how many wagnerites or other military personnel fighting against ukraine died or were wounded as a result of shelling the ministry of defense of russia did not officially comment on the situation either, and we will talk about the details of this attack live with us, the editor -in-chief of the online publication yuriy butusov, i congratulate you, i congratulate you , how do you comment on this alleged attack on the headquarters of the wagnerites ? which can be inferred from the photo that one of the so -called gates published on his telegram channel, it is quite possible that there is nothing so