other well-known works , in particular, they sang the willow board that sounded in the film by serhii paradzhanov shadows of forgotten ancestors, which was filmed here in the carpathians, they decided to make this song it just so happened that its notes were found in the arrangement of avdiyivskyi and the second piece is verkhovyna, you are our witness in the arrangement of lysenko, our classic of ukrainian music, and here are two premieres of such and two gifts that will be played today for the audience of verkhovyna, this region is enchanting, first of all it catches the eye like the beauty of the picturesqueness of this region, the carpathians , the river, and the second is the hospitality of the people who receive us, only take care of us here , and of course we are very grateful to them, and very much despite the frost that is now outside us it is very warm here. the highlanders did not let the florists go for a long time, inviting them to repeat famous works despite the martial law. such events are very necessary, because culture unites and we need to fight for it. the organizers say that w