then there will be quality education , fix it, i will say in the sequel that of course not, serhiy romanovycho needs it yes , we have very vividly observed in recent years how much we need working hands for professional technicians, so we have such a huge demand for specialists in any - for some labor specialties, the wages there are two to three times higher than the wages of the workers there who have lawyers, economists, and so on. that is, this is the bias that we started talking about when almost everyone got access to higher education because there was a large number of universities that we didn't need in such a number and of course it was very prestigious and easy to get and everyone went en masse to the university and about the escape and the decline just began of course, this is understandable because everyone left. we are somehow in every family, wherever. talk is about this. i found a village, a city, a capital. a child must go to university to get a higher education . ukraine and then these vocational schools what is the state of medical care, that is, the state has stopped paying