article, serikov faces up to one year in a maximum colony.nko and dmitry salnikov ntv krasnodar territory more news on our website and in the ntv telegram channel there is feedback. tell us about the incident in your city and be sure to leave your contacts. we have for today thank you all for your attention. today , in our program, a large-scale and painstaking work has been carried out, the concept has changed. what will be the foreign policy of russia now and who is named the main enemy for the russian world is directly named, united states of america the show continues as ukraine drove between che and burns devastation on the streets of buche the world, saw the russian evil bomb for the military correspondent, how the special services of ukraine managed to carry out a terrorist attack in the center petersburg and what will be the retribution for kiev, see right now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv place, where does it all become clear? i'm andrey norkin. my colleague is ivan trushkin. we are working live this early morning footage