the threat from botnets defined as networks of hijacked computers serp tishsly. criminals are using state-of-the-art techniques to take control of hundreds of thousands of bots. they can then command these bots. they can flood an internet site with junk data. they can knock it offline by doing that. they can steal banking credentials, other personal information. other financial information. send fraudulent, spam, e-mail or even spy on unexpecting computer users. if left unchecked, they will succeed in doing so. as cyber criminals have become more sophisticated, the department of justice working through highly trained prosecutors at the computer and property section of the criminal decision, which i'll call csips. we have, likewise, adapted and advanced our tactics to meet this threat. just one example, the u.s. attorney for the western district of pennsylvania and the f.b.i. in partner shich with other games disrupted a key member of that group. until its disrupt, it was the largest worldwide. it contained over 500,000 and 1 million computers. used that informati