those contaminants are from naturally occurring sources such as the serpentine rock that was used to create the land, and also historic industrial operations. those exceeded cleanup levels for all of the three different anticipated future uses, which would be commercial, recreational, and residential. virtually everywhere. conversely, ground water was found to contain metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. at concentrations it did not propose a human health impact or held to the environmenimpact to we found a couple of constituents above clean up level at different locations throughout the site, some of which were not confirmed through repeat sampling. there is really no indication we have a problem with soil gas at pier 70. the human health risk estimate, which was conducted in conjunction with the site investigation found the greatest hazards associated with environmental contamination or future site users, the commercial, recreational, and residential users exposure to native soil and construction workers' exposure to soil, and potentially ground water because there excavating in an a