and he, for years, saved up money to open up this in video games, these guys get paid for doing in real life. >> on that i would never do is the go-pro bomb squad. they're like, skydiving people. i have a huge fear of heights. i've never -- i tried once going skydiving. it's stupid, the whole idea of skydiving. the best case scenario is you live, right? so, it's not even worth it, right? just go on living. you know what i mean? but what they do is really cool. they just dive out of planes, and jump off of rocks and stuff. and they video tape it and they make, like, half a million dollars a year. it's insane. you just see young people that are inspired and are passionate. they're just making a living doing what they want to do. there's this one job that we focus on called "food beast." and it's these kids that literally just blogged about food. that's all they did; they just wrote about food. the kid looks exactly like me, slightly less handsome. now, they just get paid to eat food for a living. like doritos sends them stuff. taco b