support the department in its capacity to analyze and the outcomes related to program types and serviceses at the facility. the probation department is producing other programs using the same. it will provide an opportunity for both technical and operational leakages for more affective tracking of offender outcomes. the department has initiated efforts with the court system. this in addition with our partnership with apd will allow us to better track the arrest -- rearrest of young people after they left the ranch and understand the outcomes through the adult court system. for finding 3.1 law cabin ranch has the potential to become a sue peer yore for san francisco. with he agree with this finding -- we agree with this finding. 3.2 leads the ranch to uncertainty. we agree and partially disagree with this findings. we believe a needs assessment is ongoing to an assessment. that is underway and the final report is imminent. this will help inform the development of the master plan. as to recommendation number three, funding the master plan to determine the programic capital requirements for a