more information on auto servinsurance at geico.comnce or 1-800-947-auto any time of the day or night. announcer: coming up next in the "bottom" of the "tenth," baseball welcomes the world's best players... the throw by ichiro. a beautiful peg! he got him! helps to heal a troubled nation... joe torre: it was just a country coming together. announcer: and faces a modern scandal. tom verducci: cleaning it up meant taking down the biggest players in the game. announcer: while in boston, hope springs eternal. swing and a drive! gone. the red sox live to play again. the conclusion of "the tenth inning," coming up next only on pbs. announcer: for well over a century now, baseball has been helping bond parents and children, unite communities, close generation gaps, overcome language barriers, seal friendships, patch up differences, and instill civic pride. bank of america is proud to sponsor ken burns' film "the tenth inning," and help tell the story of america through the stories of our national pastime. announcer: funding for this program has been provided by the corporation for public bro