have you met serych, did he say hello to you? with serych? apparently he was supposed to meet you. and you don’t remember him at all? of course i remember. he served with us in the early nineties, but then he quit and disappeared somewhere. well, to say hello or there was no such thing, and if he did, it would be strange, but do you remember his last name? name was sergei, and last name was chernov, exactly chernov. wait, what would be strange about his appearance? the cases are old, he was fired for unauthorized use of force, he threw a barrel at me, saying that i didn’t clear him away, and during the investigation i only told the truth. but these things are very old. gleb, remember again, who could wish oleg death? yes, and if this serich appears, call. apparently this serich was the last one to see oleg alive. well what, let's go for a walk? i don’t want to go for a walk, let’s go to a cafe, to a cafe, i don’t have money, let’s go for a walk, tomorrow, huh? and hello, good afternoon, hello, who is this, i don’t know, great, hey, you’re ali