very dear memory, morphine, well, really, yes, this is the script seryozha badrova, but shot by seryozha bodrovain his own way, he is balanov, well, it’s interesting that, in principle, he shot most of the films from his own scripts, but in some cases , yes... there in a day two or three he would just die, but what are we, well, as soon as work , something can somehow, because for others there may be something else, but we definitely don’t know how to do this, and he’s okay, of course, i didn’t want to do it, well , if that’s what we call a stream, well, the script comes to the studio, i watched them, too, first of all, from the point of view that lyosha, that is, he himself, did not want to write any scripts or anything, yeah. here’s a script for blind man’s buff, yes, i’ll tell him to make a comedy for you , he read it, says, well, yes, so let’s play all the roles with very famous actors, this already says: yes, come on, and he filmed blind man’s buff, that’s it, yes, well and yet this state did not go away, well, in general, in a sense, it did not go away until the end of my life, well, there