sesungguhnya adalah syaitan akbar dan kamu adalah makkluk syaitan yang bertoping dan manusia, saksikanlahwajah-wajah kanak-kanak palestin, inilah wajah-wajah mereka, sesungguhnya beginilah keadaan bentuk, wajah dan tubuh mereka yang telah diform oleh kamu wahai amerika dan sukutu kami islam tidak ada contoh pertsontohnya dan kalaupun. adalah manusia yang berkualiti, manusia-manusia yang didah wajahnya, namun kamu telah ciptakan mereka, wahai amerika dan israel, sesungguhnya kamu, i don't understand the language, but you keep hearing the us and israel, when he mentions america and then uh israel, persilakan. two scenes there as you can see reminder the root uh protestors were out the security forces there trying to thort them off um protesting against the israeli massacre as to what has occurred in particular occurred at the hospital andpur, just two scenes across the world where there's worldwide condemnation as to the boodal israri regime's crimes and massacker against palestinians, which by many accounts have been cited to be war crimes, at least three or four different ways that israel