he plays a carpenter turned sex tape thief in the true hollywood story "pam and tommy." new episodes on wednesdays on hulu. please welcome seth. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? i feel like you're getting dapper on me as the years go by. >> i am pretty -- i'm not wearing socks right now, which was a real -- it's valentine's day. so i thought i would go with a sexy wardrobe choice. and yeah, it shows how pale -- i mean, the contrasting color between my ankle and face is alarming. >> jimmy: yeah, it is. >> but you know what? you guys just got to deal with that [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: yeah, you must really wear thick socks. because it would appear that your ankles have never seen the sun. >> perhaps never. but they're good ankles. >> jimmy: they're solid ankles and the whole body looks good. >> i feel good. glad to be here. >> jimmy: i know you're not a big sports fan, right? >> no. not particularly, no. i like buffalo wings so that was a fun event for me yesterday. i ate a lot of those. i arbitrarily, i think because i liked his name had a boomer esiason poster in my bedroom as a kid. >> jimmy: really? >> so i always ha