. >> on the seth myers show with fred armeson and with his band, it's better than being the musical guest on the show, cause i was on for four nights and i was part of the 8g band with fred armeson, and it was just who also is in the mister sister video and did the lyric video, he was just amazing. >> each night we did a different song and we did mr. sister, we did guitars and microphones, and of course it's just a little snippet as uh before the ad comes on, but uh we did candy and when i, when we did that in the rehearsal they were like, that's the voice on the record, you know, it's just very recognizable. >> i mean you've been in music your whole life and people are still interested in what you have to say. how lucky do you think you are? >> um, i'm very, very lucky. and i'm very grateful too for fans and for people that listen to music and support music, um, there has to be people that want to listen to it, you know some people feel like oh, i wish i could sing, but i'm so grateful to them that they love to hear music, that you know, that they love to, they appreciate it. cause live