organizations of like but would challenge and seth wilson is that they engage us in this process.this type of flattery is something that we use in our grazing program. the basic premise is that, when this is flapping in the breeze, colors and ribbons, he it's something that wolves are not comfortable with. it makes them a little bit nervous. so if there are wolves around our cow, we can use this product. if a neighboring ranch has a problem with wolveves, we can ld this machine up and go down and we can do away a milee or two of this product in short of an hour. so it's very flelexible. we've s seen it work. >> w we have r removed livestock carcrcasses from about 40 ranchs every y spring so that we don't put the welcome mat out in the first place for bears and wolves. the other program we have is the range rider program. we have five people on the team. we spent six months in the field radio tracking wolves and communicating every week to be ranching community werewolves are in relationship to their livestock. we put all of that together and we have seen a decrease in our livestoc