the ladies pointed me in the direction of selina's workshop she and her colleagues make handmade a setian shawls following a design that's been popular here for centuries. and first we examine the museum exhibits and tell me alter that all our artists on the basis of what we've got to make the big. an individual pattern is sketched out and then handed over to most a seamstress to begin and it's a painstaking process two months work. so who better to teach me to find something. useful in that place everything. but that doesn't mean the needle was going to go where it was supposed to go yes she did it i'm getting the feeling that i probably should have paid more attention to my gran when she was knitting. having a hard to. find good. it was becoming more. drop ten so i left told her to tidy up after me and moved on to the next stage. was now that you can see the ground work has been prepared and. it's possible to embroider this. each unique can sell for up to one hundred fifty dollars but it seems that's not all that salinas company makes. oh i thought these women here makes the dolls and s