[ratchet clicking] leond: setimes iet up, like, abt 4:00, art the truck, mbe he anotr cup of coffee. then you take off go down to the watering point. n't be ly. got tbe up befo the sunwell, th place the lifpoint. is thlife poi of our mmity's listoc it's no only for our community. there's people that come out, like abou30, 40 mes all rectionsand i fe for the peoplehat liveay out there by theanyon. f a whole rod trip, ey, they do, lik abt 60 mil just toaul ter to tir lestock. ey haveids out ther they ha granids outhere th herd sheeand lo afterhe cate d all th, and theyon't ve no ruing water, no electricity. they have to haul water. it's hard to see them struggle. in my days, we used to go to earth dams to load up water in wagons pulled by mes or horsesthis is ere wate collts. you n tell wre it ts with l these ainage from littl little lleys or little gorges. from way out there, they come and sit here. itsed to be full. maybelle: the last time we had water was back, oh, about 5, 4 ars o, just izzle, aew drops, you know. you get all happy getting little drops of in, callll my deceased fal