it is great to have you back with us, setsuko thurlow.ou can respond to that g7 meeting in the outcome this weekend, held in hiroshima where you are. >> [indiscernible] i wanted to be part of this excitement that the world leaders are coming to hiroshima and to discuss the nuclear disarmament. and the people so excited, so happy to have the opportunity to give the leaders the opportunity to be with us, to be in the center of the calamity and catastrophe -- and to have a profound encounter themselves. the meaning of the nuclear age. people have a great anticipation and excitement and have prepared for this with all kinds of recommendations to the leaders, but somehow their wishes were not fully listened. to put it bluntly, for us survivors who want nothing less than total disarmament, total abandonment of nuclear weapons, and the citizenship who supports -- to us, it was nothing but a disaster. [indiscernible] more than frustration, it is a fury and total disappointment. amy: setsuko thurlow --how do you think the work can end? the war in