so what we found again, the paper i did with sevan la duke, that the states did spend money on transportation and in fact it led to complementaries, and they get dollars in transportation grants from the government, and they ended up spending more than a dollar off the years on transportation.vff the years on transportation.eff the years on transportation.rff the years on transportation. the years on transportation. the years on transportation. so states maintain the lists of projects that they would like to essentially wish lists. so they are well positioned to spend that money that they get and it seems that empirically they do spend that money on transportation. >> so why should i believe that federal government is incapable ranking transportation projects in order of their value long-term returns? somehow state and local governments are enlightened and will not be influenced by politics and will do the stuff where it's better? >> i would say that traditionally we have in our highway bills, we've paid for the nation's roads through federal highway grants to states. so that system has been