. >> good morning, chair kim, members of the committee, severin campbell. i'm going to speak to the recommendations, if you have questions, i can respond. recommendations are on page 11 of the report, for all six pieces of legislation. the first recommendation is preach of the proposed resolutions, to clarify the terms of the agreement. we list a table with the terms of the agreement that need to be clarified as part of the resolution. and then the second recommendation is to amend file 180529, the state that the current agreement between arendt house will terminate on december 31, 2018, prior to the start of the new agreement, because the way it's now written there could be overlap in that area. and then also to amend file 180530 for the parkview terraces agreement, so show its retroactive to april 1, 2018, because that's when they plan to fund the units. the third recommendation to request the director of housing, to put them to the next rfp. this could in fact change the amount of subsidies that are required by these projects if they in fact qualify for