for "religion & eths neweekly," i'm lucky severson in soh central los angeles. >> pr: on our lendar awe mentioned earlier, muims are observing rhamad and hindus are celebrating ganesh chatuhi, which commemorates the birthday ofhe popular deity, rd ganesha. believermark the t-day festival by offering prars and delicacies to the god wi the head of an elephant. the final day of celebratio a statue olord ganesha is taken in a and procession and immersein a body of water. >> potter: the hebrew moh of elul has begun for the worls jews. a time of introspection a stock-taking, it leads to he holiest time ofear in the jewish cendar, including rosh hahanah and yom kippur. these holidays, plujewish tradition and biblal history, are at the hrt of an teractive museum in brooklyn new york. education direor rabbi nissen brenenson gave us a tour the jewish children's museum. >> you approach the museum, the first thing you see ia giant photmosaic, and as you get cser you realize that it's made of thousands and thoands of smaller photographs of children of alages, of all races. then that contains a spial