and easily 10,000 residents within three blocks from sewall lot 330.and a rate of 60 some days per client per bed times 225 beds, times they file for your lease, it means over 5,200 and clients will pass through our neighborhood, using the 3% from a moment ago, check this out, 160 will be sex offenders, you hurry to me, 160 will be sex offenders. another way to put it, the shelter would bring over 20 times the number of current sex offenders into the neighborhood, that is unacceptable. [applause] >> they say they will work with referrals, which is very nice, and perhaps some of my numbers are off. i'm willing to stand corrected. let's cut in half, only 80 sex offenders within ten blocks of residents. i would like a show of hands right now, who here would like to live for the next four years on the same block with 80 sex offenders? how about a one block away, how about 1212 blocks away, how about three blocks away, nobody. i'm not worried about me, i am a tall, a large, fact, middle-age, ugly guy, and that is no joking matter. [laughter]. >> that means