. >> without objection i wish to include the statement into the record, represented sewall has questions for the statement she will put in writing. with that i recognize the jumbo from wisconsin. >> thank you so much mr. chairman and i want to thank you witnesses for your patience. this is been a very long morning i just want to say to ms. brown, please don't drop out of medical school. i am almost prepared, i will contribute to a gofundme page, i'm almost ready to volunteer one of our colleagues in a couple of them from colorado to try to figure out how to help. it's called the lutherans, call the catholics, colleges, call all of them. the naacp, everybody defined people to help you do it. your mom would not be pleased if you dropped out of medical school. i'm sure, as a grandmother and great-grandmother that i'm speaking for her. i want to thank all of you professionals for being here today, and i guess i really think you have all pointed out that there is no way that the government of the people can afford long-term care. at this. and the uptake of long-term care insurance that's not