credit and the rest will be paid in cash from the work done to the province of lorestan, seyed farhad naserinia, the head of the labor cooperative and social welfare department of this province. greetings and blessings to hassan nasrullah naseri i am at your service with your colleagues and also the honorable nation of iran. lorestan is the same phonetic that we have. independence has been appropriate. yes, yes, it is. dad , please let me know that your service is in lorestan province . we followed up on how to inform maduro. nationally, and in the national dimension, in the benefits of this project, let the people explain what benefits it will bring to the country , directing liquidity towards production and job creation. 2951 connected stores better than that in this store, 3273 terminals have been activated, and after the new phase began , the number of transactions increased by three times, and the numbers 4 and 5 were added to this month plan , 8177 transactions. we had these and 4 and 5 registered 6189 families of these transactions and i am at your service for credit . thank you very muc