look at do we really need to go there were some journalists out there raising the alarm bells and seymour hersh is the walter pincus of the world but unfortunately those great investigative reporters there are usually exiled when the heat is on and it's only after the fact that they end up being praised and given the pats on the back and the excitement was to make the case to go to war you know to show that you know that was the controversy to the media of our viewers you know it was the titillation of a w m d here eunice not that not titillation of or the conflict of tacky ministration the washington post the new york times it very conservative editors that supported the white house on this. please the people of the united states and their friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an al gore regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder his regime has an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons and look there be no doubt about it we know for a fact that there are weapons there. there are a group of people who've for many years had advocated going after saddam