seyyed mohammad khatami, the son of seyed ruhollah, has a birth certificate with the number of the seventh investment fund, when the reform government came into office, new whispers were formed about the guardian council, what was the reason for these protests, why were there protests against the guardian council? if there are conditions such as age and specific qualifications and the like, from the perspective of the legislator, there is never a chapter on the existence of these conditions. in such cases, when there are specific conditions, the candidate could not prove that he has these conditions, that is, they did not have the desired degree, in this case, so to speak, these candidates are said to be disqualified . no, but all the conditions mentioned in the text of the law it is not a condition that can be determined by documents and documents. these conditions, which we tell them, are qualitative conditions, which means quality and cannot be proven with documents and documents. candidates must have faith in islam and the system. the trust is the first of the heart and the third is no