sf moma will demolish both structures and construct a new wing.rn, the museum will build at no cost to the city, a new fire station and a superior location at 935 fulsom. this proposal is win-win for t he city. it allows them to provide for the fire department, a brand new fire station that is superior in its physical layout and location. in terms of the economic benefits of the project, these are only items that can be easily quantified, museum expansion alone will generate 1100 construction jobs. the annual ongoing contribution in terms of property and sales taxes is expected to see $1 million. and the fire station itself, it exceeds the value of what the city gives to the museum by $10 million. the city is basically getting a gift of more than $10 million. the overall schedule for this project, above the museum and fire station is completion of the fire station in 2013. completion of the museum expansion in 2015. i would like to as representatives from planning, real estate, and the fire department to discuss this and we'll be available for que