christopher doll, sfc on facebook, and no excuse for ignoring this. thank you, mr. president. >> next speaker. >>> good afternoon. my name is don maxwell. i'm a transit operator at the sfmta. i wanted to present to you a proposal draft of a charter amendment that would reform muni and take the power away from the mayor to appoint the staff as well the mta board. plus allocate funding towards adequate transit services for the people. i have some pictures that i wanted to show some of the working conditions that i have encountered in my 11 years working with the sfmta. some of them are too graphic for tv so i can't ~ so i don't want to put it out there. so, they're going to be published in the newspaper. i want to talk about this initiative. we're trying to get the signatures together we want to get the board support on this. we know the mta needs to be reformed in its entirety. some of you have received this and some of you have gotten this today. i dropped it off at your office. right now it's going to be called proposition s until we get the necessary signatures to