that is the pool of funding that will be working with the sfcta to reprogram. identified here are the actual project expenditure needs for the program. the expenditure needs are shown in light blue, so you can see the expenditure begins in fiscal year 10, 11, and concludes in 2017 through 2020. what is highlighted in dark blue on the top, beginning in fiscal year 2013, is when we will be spending the money we are committing today to close the 1 and $37 million gap. the first spending need for the 137 will be in fiscal year 12, 13, 4 $38.7 million. as you can see, it is proportioned out for the next seven years. concerning cost, central subway is fortunate to take advantage of a competitive bidding environment and has realized $8.5 million in savings for its second contract, contract 1251, that we are about to award on december 7. we also anticipate receiving approximately another $10 million in savings to our largest contract that we are planning on issuing for bid in the first quarter, february 2011. at this stage in product development, fta requires cost savi