supervisor tang and joined momentarily by supervisor mar i wanted to thank the members of sfgovtv jennifer lowe and others. >> madam clerk. >> electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the march 17 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> that's correct madam clerk so we have a number of items number one is a hearing i requested i know one participate is not here we'll go through the other items first and tackle item number one madam clerk call item 2. >> 2 an ordinance amending the business and tax regulation code which contains a license requirement for the merchant that have been suspected. >> thanks madam clerk we'll take them in order. >> good morning amanda freed i thought i which is here for the wrong reason nice to be here today this is an item amending the business code to repel article 3 on the taxes for merchant this is suspended by the board of supervisors since the year 2000 the reason we're asking for an appeal we have taxpayers calling and questioning this for tax