but later when wilson died or not died of a sfroke, when he had a stroke initially but he was just prettyh comatose after the stroke and edith, his wife, with the help of the white house doctor, hid this fact from congress and from the press for like three months. and during that three-month period of time there was a very important vote on the league of nations which wilson was trying to start and was part of the versi treaty. and who knows if that would have passed we might not have even had world war one in europe or not even later on with hitler in europe because nobody knows how effective the league of nations would have been. but he was only three short, three votes short in the senate and the other votes was controlled by senator henry cabinet lodge who they could easily have negotiated with him to get the votes. but wilson was not available to do it and nobody else knew his medical condition. so it lost. the treaty lost. and in the senate by three votes. so that's a good example. but there was a another example of roosevelt, tremendous, he had some very strong women in his life. >