you know, sort of a concerted person designate from the fire administration representing the fire sfrss at the national operations center? >> yes. we believe that would be extremely helpful as far as when you say full time if we're trauking about around the clock given the resource demands that's probably not our most efficient way if the threat level were raised to a point we would handle it as we do other positions at that time and staff up around the clock based on conditions. but on a data day basis it would be a full time equivalent position. thank you very much and thanks to all the witnesses. >> thank you. i'd like to thank the witnesses for their valuable testimony and the members for their questions. the members of the subcommittee may have additional questions for the witnesses and we'll ask you to respond to those in writing. the record will remain open for two weeks for additional comments and statements from members. the witnesses are excused. thank you all for coming. this hearing is now adjourned. >> wrapping up our coverage of this house science subcommittee. to find out