do it sfwel regently. so, with na understanding, i appreciate your clarification. i have no objection to the language that's tl.s >> thank you. >> thank you. any other comment, commissioners. mr. ppillpal. >> david pilpal. this is not the public you till taoegs and child commission. that's okay. i preshlt, that in the 6 weeks, it has gotten better. the policy initiatives. the rate policy next, seek input from others on that, i'm also hoping that this small and growing collection of policies will be on the web so that we can point to that and say this commission takes rate pair issues seriously, we have' set of policies and evaluate against those policies, doing business well and properly. and one small suggestion, in the fourth suggestion on transparency, fourth and 6 bullets refer to the enenterprise easy. i suggested to add and bureaus, so, it's not limited to the enter prizes aztecnology prevaeds finance and it, but, throughout the other bureaus as well, if you can make that small change. thank you again for seeking input from others. >> thank you for that comme