. >> the sggoal is all about puttg the patient at the center of the equation. >> the purpose of this organization is to help people get back to what they need and love to do. ♪ >> pépin: your food processor makes that very easy. you take a little can of anchovies filet here, some almond, a clove of garlic, one mushroom cut in four pieces, some bread--leftover bread from the day before--a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. you turn that into your food processor; this is for the people who like assertive food. it is really strong. you make a beautiful puree out of it that i have here, and you cut provolone cheese or swiss cheese like this little, uh, little, uh, toast of it, and this is quite strong. and you can even decorate the top with maybe a sliced almond that we have in there, and this is it: spicy anchovy bread. you can make this dish even if you don't know how to cook. i am jacques pepin. this is fast food my way. [upbeat jazzy music] ♪