sgt roberts' debt perfectly illustrates your point.hey were being stoned by a man throwing stones at them. as i understand it, he refused to stop doing that. sgt roberts' gun jammed. the machine gunner fired a machine gun. i think i am right in saying that is what killed sergeant robert, because the machine gunner did not appreciate that his machine gun was not accurate close quarters. there was a series -- >> hallowed individual dies is going to be a particular set of circumstances. but that part of the story which explains why he did not have the proper body armor. just one more question about personal payments, and that would be a good time for me to stop. there are more equipment issues to get into. the protection against chemical and biological warfare. the particular intelligence that saddam might have the stockpiles and use them. or the difficulties in getting the adequate equipment to the troops? >> every one was equipped with the appropriate clothing to protect them. indeed, one of the complaints are received was the fact that