sha la la la la la la la la. happy birthday. world news now. you made it through your whole 33rd year. the critics all took bets you wouldn't still be here. you push the limits of what good taste will allow. happy birthday. world news now with aaron brown and lisa mcree. it's not like news. it's regis and kathie lee. the hours are bad, but not as bad as the chow. happy birthday. world news now. jim hickey anchored once and thought it quite amusing. lots of others have filled in and found it quite confusing. as for ed murrow, i can't repeat the things he said. how do you do it? there's nothing to it. the network brass are all in bed, so please give us more of that world news then. it's much more interesting than hair club for men. to all the sleepless staff. come on and take a bow. happy birthday. world news now. come on everyone. sha la la la la la la la la. happy birthday. world news now. hey, let's play spin the pepto-bismol bottle. >> i'm sorry. my mistake. >> i thought he was going to sing. >> oh, barry. never change. we love our ♪♪ from th