but brunei is certainly not alone in its interesting of sha sharia.sharia i worldwide in many places, especially in the west, but sharia is extremely popular in parts of the muslim world. i would argue that it is seen as indigenous to muslim countries, not an imposition to the west, and was historically associated with high morals and values as opposed to the brutality of the a rarabian desert. it is also seen as an improvement over the arbitrary rule of dictators. so when westerns lived under military despots, they would imagine an opportunity to it, shaped by their own morals and religion. he makes an interesting point. we often ignore the high standards that sharia sets. for an adult conviction to be obtained under sharia, for example, he said the suspect must confess four times or four men of good adult character must testify they witnessed the act in question. he said we also ignore the extremes of our own systems, such as the life sentences that are routinely doled out for relatively minor drug crimes. as he puts it, it sometimes seems that we a