dress and a gun in his hand, which shows his violent nature, and a picture after studying in shaban rozi schoolh a civilized appearance, who graduates from shaban rozi school, although few people know that these pictures are false. they took it because the boy was wearing traditional women's clothing , which a native boy would never wear. but apparently , the government was able to bring public opinion with them. to achieve this goal, the government makes registration in boarding schools compulsory. although, at the same time, representatives of canada's natives appear in front of the parliament. to urge the government to provide regulations so that according to the law the natives are given the opportunity to run their schools in a way that is in accordance with the wishes of their people. but scott ignores their pleas and pleas . he even strongly rejected the information and documents published by the health officer dr. bryce about the dire conditions of the boarding schools. bryce is one of the active pioneers in the field of health and public health is a senior health watchdog in canada. in