it happened on shadrach court off dean road. they're working to put it out just feet away from the home. we'll let you know when we learn more. >> lisa: this just in, donald trump picks up another endorsement. >> julie: it's from florida governor rick scott. >> ginger: scott says voters are speaking clearly. they want a washington outsider and he calls on party leaders to end the republican on republican violence on his candidacy. he thanked governor rick scott last two weeks, he's had $35 million of negative ads against him in florida and still won in a massive landslide. he went on to write, "the establishment should save their money." >> lisa: i don't think too many people were surprised by this. he was saying he wanted to let the voters decide, governor rick scott was saying that. the voters clearly decided that yet. it made it easier with florida senator marco rubio dropping out of the race. >> ginger: he didn't have to make a decision between the two florida men. last week, i asked him the same question, if he would endors