this committee gained its reputation to the extent that shah farah's wife, when she came to the united states, had an interview with her. in the case of the same committee, when he was asked , i think he said that it was a snow trick that turned into an avalanche and american universities and now texas state university where you have lived experience. these student protests have a history. according to you , this is nothing new. you can't say that it is not new because now we are getting to it . the palestinian nation must return to its former state more than a hundred years ago. the former goes back to the british government issuing the balofour declaration, which recognizes israel's right to form a state and territory. at the same time, palestinian medical students and palestinian doctors who were in the united states protested against b. that means we went to 1917. we can go through a few sections quickly like this. let's see how this struggle has continued, despite the chastity that chal has had, we will mention it . look at 1917, which is at the beginning of the matter, when the p