beat everyone, they were sitting opposite me, staring here, and i unbuttoned the button, that’s it, shah imat you will see the artist up close, i say, as long as he doesn’t see me, and then my friends and i go to the bathhouse, my wife also teases me, which department will you go to? men's or women's, i say, i'll wash the top in the women's, the rest i'll go to the men's house, the day off let's go with my wife to the river, i'm swimming on my back, the lifeguard is yelling his megaphone, man, why did you swim behind the buoys , drag them on yourself, i dive and swim, suddenly? on the shore they say: what is it that they pour into our river, that even mermaids are born freaks, i went fishing with men, they almost got into a fight, who will sleep in a tent with me, it’s not life, but tin, let’s go, my wife warned : “fedya, it’s indecent for you to walk around without a bra with such maracas, well, i went into the store, but it’s uncomfortable for me, i covered it all with my hands and said, saleswoman, i need a bra for my wife, my wife, you know, my wife,” the saleswoman asks what size your wi