. >> senator shaheen sthau for your leeredership on this issue and i thank the chairman of the committee, senator bingham and others worked hard to get full funding on the land and water conservation fund. i agree with you t is part of our tourism and job creation strategy that comes through we see through l.l. bean and so many other wonderful stores that have a presence in your state, the hunting community, the angling community, boaters, it's a big part of the future of these united states. as i said on that side and this side, the reality is it's been a broken promise to america. 1960s it was authorized take a portion of the proceeds that come from offshore oil and gas production, and yet if you look at the books of the treasury, it is now north of $17 billion that are owed to the conservation programs of this country. even in these tough fiscal times it's important for us to e possibility of that funding. it pains me, frankly, when i look at the list of land and water conservation projects, which we are not able to fund. senator barroso just left but we're looking into the grand teto