">>>every year the shamrock showcase always impresses us. it get's bigger and better every year, more people come out for it, more support, the routines get crazier and funnier and more entertaining as they go. so it's really nice to see the younger generation, the college generation, paying attention to real causes and real concerns in the real world so it's nice." delta sigma phi fraternity took 1st place with alpha phi winning the "pump up day" festivities leading up to the night's event. world renown jazz pianist hal galper put on a free preformance with his dynamic trio this past week inside san jose state's music building. the band played a jazz infused mixture of up beat and low tempo songs in front of aspiring student musicians. at the end of the performance hal galper and his band opened up the floor to questions. galper gave update news a tidbit on how to become great jazz musician. ">>>you have to memorize it till you can play what ever it is that you are copying, without the papaer, and that has been the traditional w